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Shows 2015
Tsachillie's Amazing Alice
Thanks to judge Kittty Sjong
Big Congrats to Lovely male and
BOS,cacib,cac No uch Se uch Amzelles Elvis Presly
Best breeder with Hp
Critique: A
group with lovely types, fine heads, good back lines, good furs and movements.
Lilleström EDS
2015 06.09.2015
Tsachillie's Amazing Alice
Excellent placement 3 open class
EDS 04.09.2015
Se uch Se v-14
Tsachillie's Amazing Alice : excellent and 3:rd place in open class
Tsachillie's Amazing Matilda : excellent
Int.Ronneby 08.08.2015
Se uch Se v-14 Tsachillie's Amazing Alice BOB.CACIB
Tsachillie's Alexander The Great Best Male 2 r-cacib
Judge:Aleksandra Palumbo
Tsachiilies did it today. Two new Swedish Champion !!
Tsachillie's Amazing Alice BOB.cacib.cac BIG 3. New champion
Tsachillie's Alexander the Great BOS.cacib.cac New champion
Thanks to judge Hans Boelaars
Int.Tvååker 150711
Tsachillies Amazing Alice excellent best
bitch 3
Tsachillies Alexander the Great excellent best male 2 r-cac Kennel Tsachillie's Best breeding class
, Excellent with HP
Judge Liz Beth Liljeqvist
Int.Tvååker 150710
Se Uch Tsachillie's Glorius Cheyenne BOB.Cacib
Se-v14 Tsachillie's Amazing Alice Bt-3
Nat.Borås 2015.06.28 Tsachillie's Amazing
Alice Excellent Best female-3
Tsachillie's Alexander The Great Excellent
Judge Hadzic Refet
No pictures
SDHK 2015. 06. 27
Tsachillie's Amazing Alice Excellent Best female-3 Judge Ogden Howard.
SDHK Norrköping 2015.06.08 Tsachillie's
Alexander The Great Excellent Best male -3 Judge Svein Björnes Tsachillie's
Amazing Alice excellent
SKK Norrköping 2015.06.07
Tsachillie's Alexander The Great excellent Best male -2 Tsachillie's Amazing
Alice excellent .ck Judge Tino Pehar
Int.Österbybruk 2015.05.31
Tsachillie's Alexander The Great excellent Best male -2 cacib.r-cac
Tsachillie's Amazing Alice excellent .ck Judge Harto Stockmar
Int.Malmö 2015.03.29 Kaltoft's Amazing
Kicki BT-2 cacib Tsachillie's Amazing Alice BF-4 r-cacib Judge Karin Voye
No pictures.